Tuesday, May 18, 2010

el paciente: the patient

a quick update on the last few days of recovery...and this pic is a a sampling of what is covering my other leg, left arm, back and butt. good stuff. :)

day one:
woke up in a lot of pain. went to the grocery store (about 20 meters from my house) and made it almost to the door before blacking out. the woman working there helped me get back to myself. people here are so nice. then i headed back to my place and laid in bed, my neighbor brought me ice for my bruises, aspirin and water and lunch. did i mention people are nice? then later that night my friends amanda and kristen came by to clean my wounds and check on me. wine and pain meds were prescribed prior to my scrub down. amanda is an ER trama nurse so she gave me the once over and lead the charge on the cleaning. it was almost more painful then the accident. first there was the scrubbing to get any remaining dirt out, then the hydron peroxide (which i mentioned can suck it), then the aloe.

day 2:
better but uber stiff, swelling of ankle and knee have gone down. was overcast so i was able to walk around during the day and found that moving was a lot better than laying, the stiffness when i attempt to move again cracks the scabs and i want to punch something. ;)

day 3:
the wounds are sticky and on every side of me so sleeping continues to be rough and so is finding clothes to wear that don't hit my wounds so today i spent most of the day in rolled-up shorts exposing my left butt cheek to most of mal pais and santa teresa. but amanda and victor picked me up and took me out for a bit so i felt less sun and sand trapped. good peeps.

the days continue to get a bit better so no more talk about this until you hear i hit the beach!

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