Tuesday, April 6, 2010

today was a pretty amazing day.

i was having my doubts yesterday but i know i made the right decision to come here. firstly, finding this place made me feel so confident, i even bargained down the price (with 4 very hot surfers from belguim). after settling in, i went for a run on the beach, watched the sunset and yes, i know i'm a big dork but i started getting teary up thinking of how lucky and grateful i am to be here and i felt proud that i was the one who got me here, not entirely luck...of course, there were a lot of freak outs and support from my girls but i did it. and this place, this day makes me feel like i could live here, i finally don't think of where i am living as only a place to lay my head...this place allows me to be still, so maybe there is something to that rose, thorn, bud thing after all.

rose: finding my place, negotiating the cost, running on the beach, sunset
thorn: carrying my backpack about a kilometer in 2pm full sun (btw, your eyelids can sweat)
bud: to keep trusting in myself

1 comment:

  1. Trin!! I LOVE U, Jen loves you! Our eyelids were sweating today too! We are so happy that you found your happy place. Can't wait to sit down and drink a half liter (who am I kidding!) a liter and a half of vino contigo! Come visit soon!!

    Besos y abrazos de Tamarindo!
